1:1 Holistic Perinatal Consults

A holistic approach to women’s health care needs during pre-conception, pregnancy, birth & the postpartum window.

Bridging the gap between women and their care providers by giving them personalized holistic support and guidance during every stage of the perinatal period. Pulling from the foundations of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Herbalism, Mindfulness, Breathwork, Coaching & more. A holistic approach which

Through a mind body approach, we will clarify your current goals, find what obstacles currently lay in the way of reaching those goals, and we will map out a way you can take action to reach those goals in a positive and empowering way.

When can I benefit from 1:1 Consultations ?

  • Pregnancy can be overwhelming physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s a time where so much is changing and there can be so many questions, but your care provider doesn’t always have the time you need.

    In 1:1 Holistic Perinatal Coaching you are given the opportunity to process all the changes in life. Ask all your questions and know that it is a safe place for all your vulnerabilities.

    Maybe the pregnancy so far has felt like one symptom or complication after the other. Maybe you feel every appointment ends in more questions than answers.

    In prenatal coaching sessions we take a look at your journey so far and how you are feeling now. We also clarify where you want to be and how you want the rest of your pregnancy journey to be. Next, we take a look at what’s really weighing you down. Is it fears, medical complications, or family dynamics and lifestyle. Putting all of these factors together, we will map out a personalized holistic plan to bring you to a place in your journey which feels positive and empowering.

  • Postpartum Consults Range from the time of Postpartum planning through anytime postpartum which you need support.

    For moms looking for a more nourishing and restorative postpartum, 1:1 Consults are a place for us to plan how you can incorporate more nourishing postpartum traditions into your postpartum journey.

    Consciously choosing to take 40days rest in postpartum is something which does not come easy in our busy society. Bringing in my knowledge of ancient traditions from Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine, and Homeopathy we will work together to map out all your needs in postpartum so that you can feel fully prepared for your first 40days.

    Once you come home, circumstances may arise and the overwhelm may settle in. You may find that you weren’t quite prepared or things you didn’t think about. With 1:1 Holistic support in your postpartum, we check in with your current physical, mental, and spiritual state. We work together to find simple but effective solutions using supportive remedies for common postpartum problems.

  • Whether you are preparing to conceive 1 year from now, or you have already been trying for some time. No matter where you are in your pre-conception/fertility journey, 1:1 Holistic Perinatal Consults can help you.

    The journey of Preconception/Fertility can be triggering and make women feel vulnerable. Evidence shows that women also don’t feel they are completely heard or supported with their care providers. I am here to fill that gap, give you the suppport and space you need.

    We will review your full history, what makes you you, and what has brought you to where you are at. We will clarify your timeline for conception and any other goals you may be seeking to achieve during this time. Using foundations of Ayurveda and Holistic Wellness we will work together to bring balance to your life through daily routines, supportive nutrition, ways to incorporate rest and selfcare, fill the gaps with any education needed, and lastly we will also make a plan for you and your partner so that you can not only nourish your body but nourish your relationship during this time.

  • Did you know thhe menstrual cycle is considered a woman’s fifth vital sign? Many women suffer in silence with menstrual issues, and they are left feeling like their only options are to continue to suffer or take medicines which leave them feeling no better or worse.

    1:1 Holistic Coaching can provide you with a detailed look at all aspects of your life affecting your menstrual cycle. Helping you learn how to live life in flow with your cycle and how to embrace it as something special. In addition to learning about the cycle we will go over ways that lifestyle and nutrition play a key role in menstrual health. Bringing it all together you will have a personalized plan with holistic ways to have a healthy and positive cycle.

In a survey for women, 45-47% felt rushed & couldn't ask all their questions or said that their concerns were not taken seriously by their care providers. Holistic Perinatal Consults aim to give you the time you need to ask questions, and explore traditional holistic ways of nurturing and supporting your body on this unique journey.